Yesterday I worked on making some note cards. I am not getting the look I want with them and I only have a few more days before I head to the gallery that I want to show them to. I am hoping the owner will want to add them to her sales. I buy note cards there all the time (I have penpals and am a bit of a stationery freak anyway) but nothing really grabs me most the time. I want to create something that people will look at at get the feeling I am trying to convey. Not so easy!
The shop that I want to take these to has a New Moon ritual after hours every month. It is a long drive for me, a good hour and then some but so worth it. Her shop is wonderful and I will create a list of necessities to purchase after the ritual. I would be thrilled if she took my artwork and when it sells, just give me store credit. I spend enough there, LOL.
So the cards are on the list again today, argh. I am not happy with them at all.
It is to be another nice day so I will take my not so little yearling filly for a walk. She was a hard case, born not being able to get up on her own or nurse and for over three months I battled deep pressure sores on her elbows and hock. She still isn't "right", never will be I suspect but she should still be able to be driven in a harness or be lightly ridden. In the meantime she and I have a huge bond as you can just imagine after what we both went through. She isn't the prettiest horse I have but what she doesn't have in beauty she certainly makes up for in personality and love.
This filly is the most talkative filly I have ever had. The moment I saw her I went to see what we had and said to her "oh what a beautiful big blaze you have" thinking "Blaze" for a name. Oh that was not to be! I distinctly heard her say "I am not Blaze, I am BONNIE!".
No lie. Bonnie is NOT a name I would have ever chosen on my own but I knew under no uncertain terms that was who she was. When the vet came out he said to me "if she makes it" and I said she must be planning on it because she told me her name already.
So Bonnie it is and always will be. Meet Bonnie.
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